
    There is a scripture that alludes to the fact that when we invite strangers into our homes, we might be entertaining angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2)   What an interesting verse.  The verse actually says "Don't forget to entertain strangers."   I suppose it could be suggested that anyone that isn't a part of your family or extended family, is a stranger of sorts.   I seem to have taken the word "Strangers" literally.  On several occasions.   I will tell the story of one such occasion.   Errol & I have the occasional hankering for a Costco hotdog.  One such day, we sat down with the delicious hotdogs at a very crowded Costco.  Sitting next to us was a family of 5.  I call them the Costco Koreans because that's where we met.     We got to chatting with the cute kiddies and friendly parents.  The mom could speak very good English and so it was with her that we found out details of their time in Canada.  Winnipeg.  They moved here for the benefit of raising their children in this culture.  An incredible sacrifice, involving much courage.   Before I knew it, I'd said "Would you like to come to our home for lunch one day soon?"  They immediately agreed.     We've had them over for dinner, for visits on the deck, picnics in the park and also have been invited into their home for a meal.  We introduced them to friends of ours, who have been most instrumental in helping the husband with English.   What a blessing it has been to have opened our home to the Costco Koreans.  They are incredibly sweet folks, with delightful children.     This happened about 5 years ago.     Since that time, we have found out that the husband & wife are believers, who met at a church in Korea.   So all that to say, if the Holy Spirit prompts me to invite people into our home, I do it. And my very gracious husband comes along for the journey!!   And perhaps we are entertaining angels, unaware.   I love this idea.   

    Patsi Sherman, who wants to entertain more angels!!

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